to throw, throw down, take down; or, to hurl away, to hurl down, get rid of (there is also a reduplicative form)
quioallaça in tetl, in mitl = hurled down stones and arrows
quioallaça = qui (object) + hual (directional) + tlaça (verb) -- and the ltl becomes ll
vme vepantli quitlecavica, yoan miec in aoaquavitl, mimimiltic; itoca, teuquavitl in quitlecavique, in impan quioallaçazquia = They took up two large beams and many round oak logs called "god wood" that they were going to hurl down on [the Spaniards]. (Mexico City, sixteenth century)
quioallaçazquia = qui (object) + hual (directional) + tlaça (verb) + zquia (conditional)
tlaxilia = to throw at or to (applicative of tlāça)
xivalmovica nicauhtzine ma nimitznotlaxilli = come, my youger brother. Let me not upset you (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
auh iuhquj ommoteca, iuhquj ommotlaҫa = and in this manner he stretcheth out, in this manner he throweth himself down (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
oquimotlaç [oquimotlaz -- de tlaza, tirar] in tlalli = tiró tierra (Ciudad de México, 1563)