a precious thing; most often seen combined with nouns to mean dear, precious, etc. possessed, can mean a person beloved by someone (such as a newborn baby, a child, etc.)
Tictetezoa in chalchiuitl, ticoaoazoa in quetzalli. Inin tlatolli: itechpa mitoa: in aquin itla cenca tlazotli quitlacoa. = You scratch the jade, you tear apart the quetzal feather. This is said about someone who mutilates something precious.
ҫan ximotta titlaҫotli, y, maҫo ticioatzintli = If thou wert only to esteem thyself as a precious person! - This, even though thou art a woman (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
at noce ixqujchtzin, atzintli, conmopolviz in tlalticpaque: in chalchiuhtli, in maqujztli, in tlaҫotli: aҫo techonmocujliliqujuh = Or perhaps, small as he is, a tender little thing, the lord of the earth will destroy the precious stone, the arm band, the precious thing. Perhaps he who made the child will come to take it from us (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Ihuan in canin ixpan tiquizaz in ixiptlatzin in Totecuyo, anozo in itlazohuan anozo cruz, huel ticmahuiztiliz = Y allí donde pasares frente a la venerable imagen de Nuestro Señor, o quizá de sus santos, o quizá de la cruz, lo honrarás de buena manera (centro de México, s. XVI)
Yacuica ymatotzin totlaçonatzin nezqui tlaçotl = Nuevo manto de nuestra amada madre, fue muy hermoso (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
Auh in yehuatl Tecuciztecatl in ipan tlamacehuaya muchi tlazotli. = Y este Tecuciztécatl hacía penitencia con todas cosas preciosas. (CF/VII, p. 4)