something black (see Molina)
Inyc mopapaca in yxquich ytliliuhca ycatzahuaca in toyolia in ipan huetzi in o yuh moquatequi: ca yehuatl in neyolcuitiliztli in inmac oquimocahuilitehuac in totlaçotemaquixticatzin IESV Christo in teopixque. = It is confession that our beloved Savior Jesus Christ left in the hands of priests with which our souls are cleansed of the blackness and filth they fall into after being baptized.
tliliuhqui (adjective) = black, brown
In ac tehuatl in ticnequi in ticelehuia, ticchipahuaz in icatzahuaca, in itliliuhca in moyolia = You who want and desire to purify your soul of its sinful dirtiness and blackness
Inyc mopapaca in yxquich ytliliuhca ycatzahuaca in toyolia in ipan huetzi in o yuh moquatequi: ca yehuatl in neyolcuitiliztli in inmac oquimocahuilitehuac in totlaçotemaquixticatzin IESV Christo in teopixque. = Con Que se laban, y limpian todas las maculas del alma, en que se enloda despues del Baptismo, es el Sacramento de la Confession, y penitencia, el qual nuestro Señor IESV Christo dexó constituydo a los Sacerdotes
In ac tehuatl in ticnequi in ticelehuia, ticchipahuaz in icatzahuaca, in itliliuhca in moyolia = Tu que tienes voluntad, y desseo de limpiar, y labar las llagas y maculas de tu alma