yvevetoca = his old-style name [i.e. prehispanic]
ytoca: his, her, its name
ynin tocaytl yquac yn tlacati piltontli yquac caltia quimaca yn itoca ŷ tiçitl yoã y pilhoaque y yaviltoca ypipiltoca = These names [are given] when a baby is born. When the midwife bathes it, she and the parents give him his fun name, his child’s name (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Notocah Ofelia. "My name is Ofelia." Queniuhqui motocah? "Whatʻs your name?" (Eastern Huastecan Nahuatl, modern)
tle itoca on [tlein itoca on] = como se llama esso; tleitoca in nepaca [tlein itoca in nepaca] = como se llama aquello; tlein motoca = como te llamas
tocaitl = nombre; totoca = nuestro nombre