"fruits of the land," maize, produce; food products that grow in the sun, such as maize; sustenance (see attestations)
yn chinanpa onoc yn tonacayotl = what is planted on the chinanpas (Culhuacan, 1580)
yn onicnochihuilli yn imilco onoc y nonantzin yn tonacayotl yhuan hetzintli yhuan metzintli = what I planted, the maize, the beans, and the magueyes that are on the field of my mother (Culhuacan, 1580)
yn cana quihualcauhtiaque Toctli miyahua [90 verso] ti, auh yn cana quihualcauhtehuaque Tonacayotl xilloti coçahuia, auh yn cana oc quipixcaya quilhualquatehuaya yn tonacayotl = in some places they abandoned young corn plants in flower, and in some places they suddenly abandoned corn starting to form ears, and yet in some [other] places they harvested and quickly ate the corn.
Toyomotlan, tonacaztitech mopipiloa in totecuyo. Inin tlatolli, itechpa mitoaya: in iquac itla topan quimuchiuilia totecuyo: azo cetl quiqua in tonacayotl, azo mayanaliztli. = Our Lord is pinching our ribs and pulling our ears. This was said when our Lord caused some such thing to befall us as a frost which ravaged the crops, or a famine.
chiyahuizçohuac tonacayotl ca yhuan nenexme quiquaque amo tle mochiuh = al maíz le cayó chahuistle y se lo comieron los gusanos, no se produjo nada (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)