a rod, wand, scepter, or staff of office (see also topile, one who holds the staff, a constable) (see Molina and Karttunen)
topilli otimacoqueh = we authorities having been duly given our staffs of office (late seventeenth or early eighteenth-century, central Mexico)
coatopil = serpent staff (associated with Huitzilopochtli and Coatlicue, Primeros Memoriales, 261r., 264v.)
cuauhtopilli = eagle staff or wooden staff
auh in San Joseph yeuatl itzmolin yn itopil, ocuepõ oxochiyouac tlamauiçoltica = and it was Saint Joseph’s staff that sprouted, it blossomed, it flowered in a wondrous way (late seventeenth century, Central Mexico)
in Joseph. nimã quitzizqui yn itopil in teopixqui nimã ymac cuepo. yn exchitl in cenca qualli in cenca yectli = Joseph then grasped the priest’s staff. Then in his hand a flower blossomed. It was very good, very fine. (late seventeenth century, Central Mexico)
Auh no yquac quitecazquia yn al[ca]ldeme intopil auh ça[n] conitlacoqur in tlatzo[n]que ypa[n]pa yehua[n]tin macozquia yn al[ca]ldeyotl = Y también en ese entonces los alcaldes pondrían sus varas y lo echaron a perder los sastres a causa de que [pretendían que] a ellos se les diera la alcaldía. (ca. 1582, Mexico City)