base, foundation, starting point; buttocks, bottom, anus (see Karttunen); pictured visually in glyphs as the lower half of the body, in place names tzintli can also refer to a lower place, such as at the foot of a hill, or a smaller place, given that -tzin can be a diminutive and not just a reverential; -tzinco can be a suffix used for spin-off towns that re-use an original place name (Karttunen)
tzintzonqualactli = rectal humor
ytzitla copalquauhuitl = under the copal tree (San Bartolomé Tlatelolco, Toluca Valley, 1715)
tepetl ytzintla = at the foot of the hill
tlatzintla = below
tzintli = buttocks
totzin = our buttocks
omio = bony
nacaio = fleshy
nacaiooa = they become fleshy
omiiooa = they become bony (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
amo tzintopoltic, amo tzincuecuexactic, tzintamalcuecuexac = not of hatchet-shaped buttocks; nor of flabby buttocks or thighs (16th century, Mexico City)
-tzitzin = plural
-tzitzintin = plural for animates
oca peuhqui yn itzintlan Oçelutepetl opan ticahuato Xoxohuiquitepec ynic motocac cohuatepatl = El recorrido del lindero común empezó ahí al pie del Ocelotepetl, y fue a terminar en Xoxouhquitepetl (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
Este siempre se entrepone al verbo y quiere dezir: atras o hazia atras. Ex. nitzinquiça, torno atras, o salgo hazia atras.