
Principal English Translation: 

wool, fleece, bristles, mane; fiber, thread, wool (see Karttunen and attestations)

Frances Karttunen: 

TZOM(I)-TL fleece, bristles, mane / lana, seda, crin (S) [(1)Bf.7r]. TZOM(I)-TL is a variant of TZON-TLI. The form of the single attestation is ambiguous between TZOM(I)-TL and TZON-TLI. It is in the possessed construction ĪQUECHTETZON ‘his shawl, his neck protection.’ If there is semantic differentiation between TZOM(I)-TL and TZON-TLI ‘head of hair,’ then TZOM(I)-TL is slightly more appropriate. Otherwise, this does not constitute a genuine attestation of TZOM(I)-TL, as distinct from TZON-TLI.
Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 316.

Attestations from sources in English: 

hocan notzotzoma Çentetl tzomitl noCalçones yhuan Çe notzomitilma yhuan oc çen Çanon tzomitl notilma monamacaz = I have clothing, a pair of trousers of wool, a woolen cloak, and another cloak likewise of wool, that are to be sold (1644, Mexico City)
Jonathan Truitt, Sustaining the Divine in Mexico Tenochtitlan: Nahuas and Catholicism, 1523–1700 (Oceanside, CA: The Academy of American Franciscan History; Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2018), 247, 252.