head of hair; or, a wrapped lock of hair on the top of the head, worn by priests and warriors; headdress; crest; and, by extention, sometimes just head
also a number root for forming multiples of 400 (see examples, below);
and, one who has hair and fingernails can be a metaphor for a lord, tecuhtli (see examples below)
çan quauhpilli tequihua catca motzontlalpilliaya = He was only an eagle-noble, a seasoned warrior; he bound his hair. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
yn intzoncuetlax quitlalia mexica = the head leather that the Mexica put on (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
ixtetenextique, tzoncoztique, tel cequi tliltic in intzon = their faces were the color of limestone and their hair yellow-reddish, though some had black hair (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
tlauhquecholtzontli = head ornament of the red spoonbill;
amatzontli itzpapalotl = a paper crown with obsidian butterflies (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
totzon titlaveyaquilia = Our hair: We grow it long. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
tzontli = hair
xictzontli = hair about the navel
tzintzontli = hair of buttocks
ymaxtli (or imaxtli) = pubic hair
ixtzontli = hair of face
camatzontlil = hair of cheeks
nacaztzontli = hair of ear
cocotzontli = hair of throat
maztontli = hair of the hand
metztzontli = hair of the thigh
cotztzontli = hair of the calf of the leg
mapiltzontli = hair of the finger
xopiltzontli = hair of the toe
xocpaltzontli = hair of the foot
ciacatzontli = armpit hair
tentzontli = hair of chin
quexiltzontli = hair of groin (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yquauhtzon = her headdress of eagle feathers (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
y yaztatzon = his heron feather crest (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
tlacochtzontli contlaliticac = he has placed a spear-shaft headdress on his head (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yz caten yn otyquizepuhque yi tequitque y zivatl yn piltotli yn telpochtli yn ichpochtli yn icnozivatli y ya mochi onçutli ynpa chicuetecpatli onmatlactli onnavi = Here are those whom we have added up: tribute payers, women, children, young men, young women, widows, a total of 974. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
In the Florentine Codex, Book 6, one finds the word for hair and the word for fingernail used as metaphors to refer to a newborn male child. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Intla vtlica qujntlaҫaltia in titici, in jnacaio mocioaquetzquj: vncan imjxpan contequjlia in jmapil in tlanepantla hicac: auh intla iooaltica vel qujtataca, no qujtequjlia in jmapil, ioan qujxima, qujcujlia in jtzon = If along the road they wrested the body of the mociuaquetzqui from the midwives, in their presence they cut off her middle finger. And if they could dig her up by night, they also cut off her finger and they clipped off, they took her hair from her (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
tzontle, iztitle: oticmjhijovilti, oticmociavilti: otijoculoc in vmeiocan in chicunauhnepanjuhca = O hair, O fingernail, thou hast endured fatigue, thou hast endured weariness; thou wert formed in the place of duality, [which is above] the nine heavens in tiers (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
in mach vel iehoantin in tzoneque, in jzteque in totecujiooan = it seemeth that verily these same who are possessors of hair, who are possessors of fingernails, are our lords (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
tzontle, iztitle = O hair, o fingernail (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
"...until the present day it is the custom among some of the Indians, and even others, in the city of Mexico to sell firewood by zontles of four hundred pieces. Twenty zontles, or eigth [sic] thousand make one xiquipilli, and three xiquipillis are equal to a carga or load, the which has twenty four thousand grains of cacao. To evade the trouble of counting so many when the merchandise was of considerable value, sacks of certain dimensions were used." (late nineteenth century, Mexico City)
iztetl tzontli = the hair, the nails = the offspring of someone important (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
NEZAHUALCOYOTL ixiuhtzon ixiuhyacamiuh ixiuhtilma techilnahuayo itepotzoicpal = NEZAHUALCÓYOTL, su diadema de turquesas, su nariguera de turquesa como flecha, su manta color turquesa, festón rojo en la orilla, su asiento con espaldar (centro de México, s. XVI)
etzontli xivitl yvan caxtolpovali ypan epoval xivitl = mil quinientos sesenta (Cuauhtinchan, Puebla, s. XVI)
yetzonxihuitl = 1200 (Cuauhtinchan, Puebla, s. XVI)