a batten (a weaving implement); this was an object that was gendered, being associated with women's work
Neanonj, mecamaxalli, quatzontli, xiiotl, otlatl, tzotzopaztli cacalaca, patlaoac: tzotzopaztli pitzaoac, omjtzotzopaztli, tzotzopaztepiton, ic tlamachioa:teçacatl, tlaujteconj, malacatl, tzaoalcaxitl = [Theirs were] the device with which [the loom] was held; the divided cord; the skein; the shuttle; the cane stalks; the wide batten, which swished [as it was used]; the thin batten, one made of bone; the small batten with which they worked designs; the heddle; the flail; the spindle whorl; the spinning bowl (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
aço ytlacavi in içivatequivh ym moteneva y malacatl ŷ tzotzopaztli = perhaps the womanly work, what is called the spindle whorl, the batten, was done badly (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yoan centlapal qujtzitzquja, itzotzopaz = and in [the other] hand she bore her weaving stick (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
tzotzopazpitzavac teçacatl = thin battens, thick straws
(central Mexico, sixteenth century)
ytzotzopaz = her batten
tlein qujtta in ma yuh cioatioa, cujx vel malacatl, cujx vel tzotzopaztli: Ca anommati in njxco, nocpac, auh ca avel cententli, cencamatl njcqujxtia, in jhijotl, in tlatolli = What do they see [in me]? It is as if a woman is acquired, perhaps capable of womanly skills; for I am an imbecile, and I cannot bring forth a word or two of discourse (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Auh in cihoapiltontli, qujcencavilia cuetontli, vipiltontli, ioan in jxqujch cioatlatqujtl, tanatontli, malacatl, tzotzopaztli = And they prepared for the baby girl a little skirt, a little shift, and all the equipment of women, the little reed basket, the spinning whorl, the batten (central Mexico, sixteenth century)