San Juan Bautista Jalisco, site of a sixteenth-century Franciscan monastery; a place in New Galicia in what is now western Mexico
Some of the Nahua communities in Jalisco in the sixteenth century were (as recorded in a Nahuatl document): Ytzcuintlan, Analgo (also seen as Analco and Sanc Tanantonio Analco), Acuitlapilco, Xaltepec, Ytztlapan, Xalxotlan (also seen as Xalxocotlan), Mecatlan (also seen as Mecatla and Sanc Juan Mecatlan), Aqualachtenpan (also seen as Aqualastenpa and Santiago Qualachtempan), Centicpac, San Andrés, Auhtlan, San Juan, Acaponeta, Aztatan, Matlaticpa, San Miguel, Sancta Cruz, San Pedro Tepehuacan, Sac Maria, and Sancta Maria Asupcion. San Juan Bautista Xalisco is also named as a town, not just a region.
ya yaui yn nonoualca y itztiui xalixco ya ce ymoui quichiua = ya se van los nonoualca; ya se van hacia Xalixco, ya hacen suyo un camino (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)