belly, abdomen, womb, entrails (see Molina and Karttunen)
in aço imixquac, in anoço incuexcochtlan, anoço iniollopan, anoço imelchiquipan, anoço imitipan, in anoço vel inxillan = the forehead, the nape of the neck, the heart, the chest, the stomach, or the whole abdomen (Mexico City, sixteenth century)
Texillan tetozcatlan oquiz. Inin tlatolli itechpa mitoaya in aquin itech oquiz tlatocamecayotl = From someone's entrails, from someone's throat, he came forth. This was said about the person who comes from nobility.
xillantli = abdomen;
tonecuelpachoaia = our place which doubles;
tonepuztequia = our place which breaks;
ninocuelpachoa = I double myself;
ninopuztequi = I break;
noxillã mococoa = I have a pain in the abdomen (central Mexico, sixteenth century)