seed (Lockhart); plant seed (see Molina); or, when possessed, semen (see Karttunen); or, speaking of silk production, moth eggs
calaqui yey almo tlaoli xinaxtli = into which 3 almudes of maize seed fit
(San Pablo Tepemaxalco, Toluca Valley, 1762)
ca ça yehuantin yntechpa tlatoaya in ciua in tlacaxinachtica otztia in nacayotica tlacachiuaya = for it was said only in regard to women who became pregnant with human seed, who gave birth through the body (early seventeenth century, Central Mexico)
xinachtli seda = silk "grain" (i.e., a moth egg, called a grano in Spanish) (Santa Catalina Texupan, in the Mixteca, 1559)