Principal English Translation:
fruit, in general; or, bananas (see Karttunen)
Frances Karttunen:
XŌCHIHCUAL-LI fruit in general; banana / fruta generalmente (M), platano (Z) In C and Z this is abundantly attested and consistently with a glottal stop between the two component elements. In T it is attested only once and without the glottal stop, but the loss of internal glottal stops is characteristic of T. The specific sense ‘banana’ is common to Z and Nahuatl of the Huasteca, areas where bananas are intensively cultivated. See XŌCHI-TL, CUAL-LI.
Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 328.
Attestations from sources in English:
xōchicualli = fruit (lit., good [or edible; cf. cua] part of the flower)Michel Launey, An Introduction to Classical Nahuatl, translated and adapted by Christopher MacKay (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), 169.
Attestations from sources in Spanish:
onictocac metl, xochicualcuahuitl = yo sembré magueyes y árboles de frutas (en un testamento modelo, imaginado)
Martín de León, Camino al cielo en lengua mexicana (Mexico: Diego López, 1611), f. 140r. Frase traducido por Stephanie Wood.
In tatli oyaya tlacencuiz ica xochicuali. = El padre iba a recoger fruta. (s. XX, Milpa Alta)
Los cuentos en náhuatl de Doña Luz Jiménez, recop. Fernando Horcasitas y Sarah O. de Ford (México: UNAM, 1979), 106–107.