
Principal English Translation: 

an enslaved person or a servant (see attestations)

Attestations from sources in English: 

Timotilinja xole, xolotze, telpuchtle, tiacave = Thou art unfortunate, O slave, O servant, O land, O youth, O chieftain!
Digital Florentine Codex, Book 5, f. 1v, Anderson and Dibble translation, https://florentinecodex.getty.edu/book/5/folio/1v.

ma oc cenca itlan xonmocalaquj nopiltze, telpuchtle, xole. = Be especially diligent in it, O my son, O youth, O servant.
Digital Florentine Codex, Book 6, f. 168r, Anderson and Dibble translation, https://florentinecodex.getty.edu/book/6/folio/168r.