a person's name (attested as male), someone from Xolotlan; Xolotl can refer to a divine force and to the founder of the Chichimec empire; Xolotl can appear visually as a dog-like head or as pieces of wood or trees (see attestations)
ytoca xolotecatl = named Xolotecatl (male, husband of Teicuh) (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
Xolotlan = cerca de Xolotl. Y el glifo tiene "...una cabeza de animal carnívero con los atributos de divinidad, una raya negra vertical que pasa por el ojo y un nacochtli ornamentado."
"...expresado por el colectivo de cuahuitl, árbol, cuauhtla, arboleda."