a captain of soldiers (see Molina)
cihuapilli Doña Martina chane ateponazco ynantzin in yn Nicolas hernandez tlacayeleltzin [...] ceme oc yehuantin yn inecauhcahuan yn itlaquillohuan yn mihtohua ytzonhuã yztihuã in ye huecauh onemico nican Mexico tenochtitlan yn cẽca otlamamauhtico yn aquin catca huehue tlacayeleltzin cihuacohuatl tlahtocapilli tenochtitlan [...] yn omoteneuh huey yaotachcauh Capitan General = the lady doña Martina, from Ateponazco, the mother of Nicolás Hernández Tlacaelleltzin [...] she is one of the descendants, called the hair and fingernails, of one who lived long ago here in Mexico Tenochtitlan, who was held in great awe, and that was the elder Tlacaellel, the Cihuacoatl, a noble of the royal dynasty of Tenochtitlan (central Mexico, 1613)