IDIEZ morfema:
IDIEZ traduc. inglés:
1. (for he or she to do s.t.) him or herself. 2. (for he or she to do s.t.) by himself or herself.
IDIEZ def. náhuatl:
Nouhquiya YAHAYA. 1. Quimanextia macehualli quemman zampa quichihua ce tlamantli tlen tlanahuatihtoya huan axmochiuhqui. “Catarina quinahuatihqui ichocho ma quichihua pemolez huan axquinecqui quichihuaz. Teipan yaya quichiuhqui. ” 2. Icelti. “Zan yaya tlatehtecaz pampa ne cequin toahuimeh yahqueh atlacuitoh. ”
IDIEZ morfología:
ya2, ya2.
IDIEZ gramática: