to reach with the hand, or to arrive; to catch; to get close; to have sexual intercourse (see Molina, Carochi, Lockhart, and attestations)
Cuix aca oquichtli o yca timoca[ca]yauh itla otictlalili, in monacayo, in yquac itech otacic noço motech oaçic inic ococolizcui. = did you deceive some man, putting something on your body so that he caught some illness when you had sexual relations with him or he had sexual relations with you?
ohtenco ahciz = will reach to the road's edge (Tlaxcala, 1566)
1) to enter, arrive (intransitive)
2) to catch (transitive)
oaçic = it arrived
ohuaçico = o +hu (glide) +açi (arrive) + co (preterite, from açiquiuh)
with money and followed by yc = it came to, amounted to
acatl xihuitl. ypan in ahcico callaquico tenuchtitlan yn captian Don hernando cortes Marques del valle yn quinhualyacan españoles conquistadores = 1519, One Reed. At this time the captain don Hernando Cortés, Marqués del Valle, reached and entered into Tenochtitlan. He led hither the Spanish conquistadores.
sa oquitaque ye moic auh yn oc opeuhqui sã oquicuahuique ypanpa ocasique yca sihuatl = They just saw that he was already dead. It was when they were beginning to beat him with a stick because they caught him with a woman.
Huan pan ni sabado ahciquih ne ce momachtianih. "And this Saturday the rest of the students will arrive here."
Cuix aca oquichtli o yca timoca[ca]yauh itla otictlalili, in monacayo, in yquac itech otacic noço motech oaçic inic ococolizcui. = De algun hombre, poniendote alguna mala cosa en la parte natural, quando llegaste á ella, de lo qual le procedio alguna enfermedad?
huel tehuanti ticpehualtique huel ytlacatia ynic meya yehuatl yn hualcalaqui tiaquizco pila yuh ticaxitico nican ytlan castillo yehuatl motenehua Chalchihuatl = Precisamente nosotros empezamos: desde su nacimiento, donde brota el agua, la que entra a la pila del mercado, así la hicimos llegar aquí al pie del castillo, la llamada Chalchihuatl. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
ayamo hualmaxitia rey = aún no llegaba el virrey (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
Nican acico mexica, 1317 = Aquí llegaron los mexicas, en 1317 (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
auh ça no atlauhtenco ualaci = también llega a la orilla de la bar[r]anca (Santa Bárbara)
aci: verbo intransitivo; ipampa aci, llegar donde alguien está; alcanzarlo, literalmente llegar sobre él; Onpa nopan acic yn nocovatzin, allí me llegó mi mujer.
oyuh ya yexiuitl maxitico marquez = tres años despues de venido el marques (Tlatelolco, 1559)
honpa onace yn acalotitech yni quiahualotica yn atl = llega allá junto al acalohtli, la rodea el agua (Ciudad de México, 1563)