not yet; still not; before
Cuix ye tēhua? - Ca ayamo, zan oc ninopāca= Are you leaving already? - Not yet, I'm still washing.
ayamo niquixtlahuan = I have not yet paid the debt (Culhuacan, 1580)
ayamo topan acic yn tlaneltoquiliztli yn ayamo tixpianome yn iquac topan onacico yn motetlaecolticavan españoles inic valla in mocapitan general Don herdo cortes = before the faith reached us, and before we were Christians, when your servants the Spaniards reached us and your captain general don Hernando Cortés arrived (Huejotzingo, 1560)
yn ayamo = when not yet, i.e. before
Cenpoalli yhuan caxtolli onnahui yn ayemo hualyahui caxtilteca = Trienta y nueve años antes de venir los castellanos (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
yn iquac ayamo tipeualo = antes que fuerermos conquistados (Tolpan, Tlatelolco, 1558)