and; but; well; or, an indicator of a new thought to follow (not always translated)
auh. particle. beginning of a new independent statement; indicates that a pause (a period) came just before, although exceptions are found. Generally translated "and," sometimes "but," often not translated except by a period and a capital letter.
ahu in axcan Camo ticpie = and now we are no longer have
ahu quemotlania Anparo de poseSion = and he demands affirmation of possession (Azcapotzalco, 1738)
Also spelled aho.
hau yntla onpa namacoz = and if he is hired out in Puebla (Tlaxcala, 1547)
ahu quemotlanja Anparo de poseSion = and he demands affirmation of possession (Azcapoltzaclo, 1738)
ahu in axcan Cacmo ticpie = and now we no longer have (Azcapotzalco, 1738)
auh inin = and this -- a phrase in the play Holy Wednesday to "introduce a closing statement to a shorter segment of discourse"
Yu neci = Auh neci = Como lo muestra (Guatemala, 1637, documento en pipil)