(a loanword from Spanish)
to know, or to confess someone, or to know the crime that person committed
cuitia. nicno. (pret. onicnocuiti.) conocer, o confessar a otro por señor, o conocer el delicto que cometio.
CUĪTIĀ vrefl,vt to acknowledge one’s failings, to be called something; to name someone / conocer o confesar a otro por señor, o conocer el delito que cometió (M), se llama, es llamado (T), lo llama (T) This is an element of two compounds; YŌLCUĪTIĀ ‘to make confession, to confess someone’ and ĪXCUĪTIĀ ‘to reproach, blame someone.’ altern. caus. CUI CUĪTILIĀ applic. CUĪTIĀ CUĪTILŌ nonact. CUĪTIĀ
(1) nic. causative of cui.
(2) nicno. to acknowledge a superior, to confess misdeeds; to confess or acknowledge something in general.