to want or desire (see Molina); to wish (see Lockhart); to covet (often referring to someone else's wife or daughter)
elehuia (verb) = to desire ardently, to covet
Ahmō tinēchēlēhuīz, Cē-Tōchtli, Ahquetztimani. Ca nicān tzīntlapān, nicān ēlpachiuh Cē-Tōchtli, Ahquetztimani = You will not covet [i.e., harm] me, One Rabbit, She-is-supine [i.e., the land]. Here One Rabbit, She-is-supine, has broken open at the fundament, has caved in at the chest [i.e., the land will have no strength to hurt me]. (Atenango, between Mexico City and Acapulco, 1629)
nicnehnequi niquelehuia in icniuhyotl in tecpillotl i in coayotl = I'm desiring, craving friends, princes, comrades. (ca. 1582, central Mexico)
elehuia = desire; ehelehuia = craving (late sixteenth century, Tetzcoco?)
mexico tenochtitlan yn iuh mochintin ipan in altepehuaque quellehuia = in Mexico Tenochtitlan, as all the citizens there desire (central Mexico, 1608)
ytlaçoyezçotica oquimomaquixtili ca cenca nicnequi niquelehuia ynic onpa ilhuicatl ytic papacohuayan nechmohuiquiliz = redimió con su preciosísima sangre, y que la lleve a la corte del cielo en su gloria (Tetepango, Hidalgo, 1586)
Yhuan ma cuel ticmocuitlahui, ma tiquelehui yn cuyetl, in huipilli = Y no anheles, no desees la falda, la camisa (la mujer)
tlein tiquelehuia = que desseas
niquelehuia in tlaxcalli = deseo pan;
niquimelehuia in pitzome = deseo cerdos