to rise and depart, or get up; or, to be brave and rebel (intransitive); to raise; to carry something heavy; or, to sing a song (transitive); in modern Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl, to be from a certain place
onēhua = he departs (going away from here)
ca noyuh quichiuhta ynic, cemochí ynoc cequínton tlaca izcaltique ypanpa intla oquinequízquía ynnoccequintin mehuazque áhuel = thus they were all together with different people who had been reared elsewhere. Thus if they wanted others to rebel, they would not be able to do it.
yc niman oncan huallehuaque ye huitze = they once more got on their feet and pressed on
te ixpanpa ehua = to flee from someone; hualehuaque = they came from; ehuiltitica = to sit (reverential causitive of ehua, to raise), mehuiltitica
meuh = was sung
meuhqui = was sung
The orthographic variant "meha" is seen in colonial Guatemalan Nahuatl.
yhuan yquac meuhqui Xochimilco cuicatl = Y entonces se entonó el canto de Xochimilco. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)