plank, board, small beam (see Molina and Karttunen)
yoan onicaca ichalchiuhcal, yoan iteucujtlacal, yoan itapachcal, yoan iteccizcal, yoan ioapalcal, ixiuhcal, yoan iquetzalcal = And there stood his green stone house, and his golden house, and his coral house, and his shell house, and his house of beams, his turquoise house, and his house of precious feathers (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
sa yca huepalitli oquiquixtiaya ytlan atli = Only with boards did they get [the people?] out of the water.
centetl huapalcuezcomatl yyaxca yn nonamictzin catca = a wooden grain bin that belonged to my deceased husband (n.d., sixteenth century)
auh in ontetl nohuapal yn ipa nicochi = And the two planks that I sleep on (Culhuacan, 1580)
yhuan yn mochi huapaltotonti yhuan cama tlapechtli = y también todas las tablillas, y la cama y tarmia (Xochimilco, 1650)
centetl huapalcuezcomatl ome ixic yhuan centetl cofre yhuan ome metlatl = una troje de tablas que tiene dos portañuelos, y un cofre e dos piedras de moler (San Juan Teotihuacan, 1563)