but, new thought or phrase indicator; nevertheless; still; yet; nevertheless
Auh yeçe ma huel iuh xicmatican yhuan ma huel yuh ye in amoyolo, ca amo amechmaquixtia in in ixpantzinco in Dios, in anquitoa, ca yehuatl in octli quichihua, ca aocmo nicmati in tlen onicchiuh in tlen onicnotequiuhti? = Yet know when and be certain that it will not save you before God to say "the pulque did it, I no longer know what I did [or] what I was responsible for."
huel mococohua ynonacayo amo pactica yece yn notlamachiliz cenca pactica = my body is very ill and not healthy, but my understanding is very sound (Coyoacan, 1622)
yece ynin amo yehuatl mottaz moneltiliz = However, this does not seem to be credible. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
maçonellihui y ninococohua hece yn noyollia y naniman camo quen catqui ca çan pactica = even though I am ill, nonetheless my spirit and soul are tranquil and healthy (Culhuacan, 1580)