when, then (see Molina)
yn iquac pasqua natiuitas yuan pasqua resurrecion yuan corposxpi yuan sancta maria assunpcion yn nechmaca cecentetl vexolotl matlacpoualli cacauatl yuan tamalli chilli quauitl auh in iquac sant pedro ylhuiuh yn nechmaca ontetl vexolotl matlacpoualli cacauatl yuan tamalli quauitl chilli = At Christmas and Easter and Corpus Christi and the Assumption of Mary, they give me one turkey cock each, 200 cacao beans, and tamales, chiles, wood; and on St. Peter's day they give me two turkey cocks, 200 cacao beans, and tamales, wood, chile. (Tlaxcala, 1566)
yn iquac = at that time.
iquac in (yquac in, yquac yn) = then; at this time; at the same time
Karttunen writes: "T[etelcingo, Morelos] has lost the initial syllable," referring to ihcuāc. She also cites the Brewers' translation of ihcuāquinōn as "en ese tiempo, en ese momento; en esa ocasión."
yguag (Chenalhó, Chiapas; 1714; pueblo tzotzil)