to leave, abandon, relinquish, deliver, let (nic.)
to remain, survive, be left (mainly in third person) (nino.)
for there to be a break in the lineage (metaphorical)
ypampa ytlatquitica yyaxcatica ynic quicava Justiçia = it is through his property and goods that he abandons justice
auh ypanpa in monequi huel itetzinco titocahuazque y s.ta ma = and therefore it is necessary that we really entrust ourselves to Saint Mary (early seventeenth century, Central Mexico)
aic anquixicahuazque = you will never neglect it (early seventeenth century, Central Mexico)
itech nicahua = I leave it up to (someone)
(mo)cahua = it halts, stops
ça quicauhque yn itequiuh = Dejaron sus cargos (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
ma Dios motlan mocahua = quedad con Dios