son-in-law (see Karttunen)
auh mo chintin ynín móhuan yoltoneuhtícatca, caçecen quinequia tlatoca-tíz = Auh mochi:nti:n in i:nmo:huan yolto:ne:uhti catca cah cecen quinequia tlahtohca:tiz = And all of their sons-in-law were mutinous, because each one wanted to rule.
auh ynic yeï Ymon ytoca Tzontecomatl, quimacac ynpilotl tlatocayotl CoatlYchan; tetzcôco = And so to his third son-in-law, Tzontecomatl, he gave the nobility and rulership of Coatlichan and Tetzcoco
nomontzi Cayetano Salvador = my son-in-law Cayetano Salvador (Metepec, 1795)
montli = son-in-law; cihuamontli (cioamontli) = daughter-in-law; montatli miccamontatli = father-in-law, father-in-law of a deceased person; monnantli, miccamonnantli = mother-in-law, mother-in-law of a deceased person; monculli (moncolli) = father of the parents-in-law; moncitli = mother of the parents-in-law (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
nomon (or) nomo = my son-in-law (the final "n" is sometimes omitted inadvertently)
auh in yehuatl omoteneuh Maria xucoatolnamacac cenca quintzatzatzillitihuia amo huel mihtoz motenehuaz yn ixquich acualli ayectli tencuicuitlatlahtolli yc quimahuatihuia cenca quinmahuizpollotihuia canel cihuatl, auh amo ҫan icel ynin cihuatl yhuan ymon yn moteylhuiq̃ = And the said María, seller of bitter atole, went along shouting loudly at them; all the bad and filthy language with which she went scolding at them cannot be said or told. She showed great disrespect for them, for she is a woman. But it was not this woman alone; her son-in-law made the complaint along with her (central Mexico, 1613)
Se montli (The Phantom Lover: el amante fantasma). "Un muchacho cree ver a su novia y la sigue. Lo lleva hasta la orilla de la barranca pero él no la quiere seguir. Era la Llorona." (Escuchado en Benito Juárez, Pue. Barlow, 1945, 34.)
Juan Podiler espanol tomon = Juan Polidei, español, nuestro yerno (Xochimilco, 1577)
ynomontzin ytoca Ximeo = mi yerno que se llama Simeo (Santa Bárbara)
auh ca za nicel oncan montli atle ymatica oquitlalli in tepantli = el solo fue yerno ninguna cosa por sus manos puso pared (Ciudad de Mexico, 1578)