to collect, assemble, gather together
Ic caxtolli capitulos: vncan mjtoa in ynnechichicoaia in çioa = Fifteenth Chapter, in which is described the adornment of the women.
nechicalhuia = applicative form
omozenechicoque (omocennechicoque) = everyone assembled or was gathered together
(Mexico, late seventeenth-century) (Techialoyan manuscript from San Cristóbal Texcalucan and Magdalena Chichicaspa)
otitocennechicoque = we gathered together, assembled
ça mochi çihua yn omonechicoque ça ohualcholu yn totatzin = sólo se reunieron puras mujeres, nuestro padre sólo huyó (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
nicexochinechicoa (nicenxochinechicoa) = corto las flores completamente
ohualla Visitador oquinechicoco in itlatqui in Gerber = vino un Visitador a recoger los bienes de Gerbes (Puebla, 1797)