on both sides, square; from both sides; at both ends, two ways, both ways; from one side to the other (see Molina and attestations)
nauhtel yn huehuey calli yn nenecoc mamacuilmatl yhuan ca quezquitetl yn huehuey xacalli yvan yn acalcuezcomatl yvan yz cequi çan pilolcuezcomatl = four very large houses each [measuring] five matl across, large straw-roofed houses, and subterranean [?] granaries and some only subsidiary [?] granaries (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
necoc micoatiuh = there was death on both sides (Mexico City, sixteenth century)
nimā ie ic contlaça in acalchimalleque in tlatzontectli in impā in Españoles: necoccampa necoc in valhuetzi in tlatzontectli = Then the war-boat people hurled barbed darts at the Spaniards; from both sides the darts fell on them (Mexico City, sixteenth century)
çan necoc = on both sides
çan necoc cenpohualquahuitl = it is twenty quahuitl on both sides, or, twenty quahuitl square
yhuan in teopixque necoc motecpãtzinoque ynic hualmohuicaque = and the friars came in rows on both sides (early seventeenth century, central New Spain)
cempohualli çan necoc yahualtic = veinte (brazas) a la redonda (Xochimilco, 1591)
necoc cenpouallalquauitl = veinte palos de ancho y largo
necoc = de ambos lados