an agreement, an acknowledgment (see Molina); common opinion, consensus, tradition
intonenununtzal intonavatil = our accord, our law (Tula, 1570)
huel mellahuac quimatia ȳ huehuenenonotzaliztli = indeed rightly understood the ancient ones' accounts; and:
nican tlami yn intlahtol huehuetque yn achto christianosme catca yn achto momachtianime pipiltin catca = here ends the account of the ancient ones who were the first Christians, the nobleman who were the first neophytes (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
auh ca iquauh, ca iteuh ca itzicujnol, ca inecujtiuechiliz, ca ineiҫavil muchioa, ca ineixnaoatiliz ca inenônotzaliz muchioa = And it becometh his stick, his stone; his sighing, his fright; his wonderment. It becometh his resolution to improve his way of life (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Auh yn Tlatilolco ayc ompa ticuililozque canel amo yn pial mochiuhtiuh auh yn inhuehue nenonotzaliz tlahtolli yn inhuehue nenonotzaliz amoxtla cuiloli Mexico = Tlatelolco nunca nos lo quitará, porque no es en verdad legado suyo. Esta antigua relación y escrito admonitorios son efectivamente nuestro legado [Y por Tlatelolco nunca allá nos será quitado, porque ciertamente no acaece ser depósito. Y esta antigua relación admonitiva, este antiguo escrito amonestativo de México] (centro de Mexico, s. XVII)