to feed (or, cause to eat)
Nitlacualtilo = I'm fed (made to eat);
Tētlacualtilo = People are fed.
Auh in atlauhcamilpantlaca tetlacualtizque = And the people of Atlauhcamilpan are to feed people. (mid-sixteenth century, Coyoacan)
oapizmiquico. tlaqualtica in macehualtin. altepehuaque = the commoners of the hinterland altepetl were starving for lack of food (early seventeenth century, central New Spain)
çan oquixcavhya y tequipa nemi mopapatla y ce oya tequipa y cequiti comotemolia y quimoqualtia ça mocepatlayecoltia = All they do is take turns going on tribute labor. One went on tribute labor; some are looking for a way to get fed. They just all try to make a living together. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
ça mochitin quivhcatica y miscohuatlayllotlac çano quicepatlaqualtia yn ipilhua = All these just accompany Mixcoatlailotac. Likewise he feeds his children all together. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
çan mopapatla yn ontetlacualtia yn cuavhnavac = They just take turns going to feed people in Cuernavaca. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)