to give orders to others; to ask for a license or grant a license to do something or to go somewhere; to cite or notify another person; to fire the servants in one's house; to say goodbye to people upon departing (see Molina and attestations); to speak Nahuatl (contemporary Eastern Huastecan Nahuatl)
yc queni monavatilli = what is to be ordered about (Tlaxcala, 1547)
quimonahuatili ytlaçonantzin = [he] said goodbye to his precious mother (early seventeenth century, central New Spain)
quimocahuillito. ohtlipan. vmpa quimoquechillito. S.ta Ana. tlatilolco. oncan monahuatitzinoque. ynic niman nepa omohuicac tlahtohuani Don luis de velasco. tepeyacacpa = he left him along the way; he got him as far as Santa Ana in Tlatelolco; there they took their departure from each other, so that then the ruler don Luis de Velasco went beyond toward Tepeyacac (central Mexico, 1611)
Carlos nahuati. "Carlos speaks Nahuatl." Tinahuatih. "We speak Nahuatl." Innahuatih. "Yʻall speak Nahuatl." Nahuatih. "They speak Nahuatl." Ta tinahuati? "Do you speak Nahuatl?" Quena, ninahuati. "Yes, I speak Nahuatl." (Eastern Huastecan Nahuatl, modern)
timitznavatiya = te ordenamos (Cuauhtinchan, Puebla, s. XVI)
in ipanpa oticcaque ic technauatiya tlatouani visorrey occe mopepenaz yn governador yezqui = En relación a lo que hemos escuchado de que el tlatoani virrey nos orden que se elija otro que será el nuevo gobernador (s. XVI, Tlaxcala)
Yoan yn albaceas nauatiloque ça mahtlaquilhuitica tlamiz = Los albaceas fueron notificados que dentro de diez días terminará el plazo
nimitznavatia tiquimanaz tiquimilpiz yn aqui vel nezi tlatlacolli quichiva teixpan tetlaxima ichtequi. patoua. tlavana. temictia momictia yvan yn domingotica ylhuitlipan yn amo missa quita yn amo teutlatolli quicqui = te ordeno que los agarres que los encierres a aquel que parece que haga pecado, que sea adultero, ratero, que juegue dados, se emborrache, asesine, se suicide y en día domingo, en día fiesta no asista a misa y no escuche la palabra de Dios (Tlaxcala, 1565)