to order or decree; to pronounce or declare; to command
Motecuçoma tlanaoati in motzatzaquaz vtli inic amo vel aciquivi Españoles, in nicā mexico = Moteucçoma gave orders for the roads to closed so that the Spaniards could not get to Mexico here
motlaquauhnahuati = strongly or strictly ordered (tlaquauh- is a kind of intensifier) (Mexico, late seventeenth-century) (Techialoyan manuscript from San Cristóbal Texcalucan and Magdalena Chichicaspa)
notlanahuati mochihuaz = my command will be realized
notlanahuati neltiz = my command will be realized, true
nitlanahuatitias = I am ordering (San Pablo Tepemaxalco, Toluca Valley, 1681)
ynic centlamantli nitlanahuatia = First, I order
tlanahuati ynic tlahtlaniloz yn itoca Diego Xihouel = autorizo para preguntar al llamado Diego Xihouel (Tlaxcala, 1562)
Yhuan nitlanahuatiya onpa mani ce [me]catl notlal = Mando que tengo una suerte de tierra (Tlaxcala, 1609)
nitlanauantian nechmacateuac nococoltzin... = mando que me dejó mi abuelo... (Santa Bárbara Maxoxtlan, sin fecha)
motlanahuatillique notzalloque yn tlaxillacaleque = mandaron llamar y parecer a los vecinos y moradores del dicho barrio (Ciudad de México, 1582)
yhu inin ỹ motlanahuatilique señores alldẽs = Así mandaron los señores alcaldes. (Tetzcoco, 1572)