to cover oneself; to cover something, such as eggs in a nest (to brood); or, to roof something over (see Karttunen, Molina, and Lockhart); or, to govern, to take care of people, watch over them, protect them
njman ic qujmontlapachoa, qujmonixqujmjloa, cecenme, ica neçaoalquachtli, tliltic omjcallo, ioan qujmonmaca icpaxiqujpilli, tliltic omjcallo, in vncan temj copalli = Then they veiled and covered their faces, each one of them, with black fasting capes designed with bones. And they gave them cotton incense bags, black and designed with bones, which they filled with incense (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yz ca [...]a tlapachoa cuavhchichinalla = Here is [...] who governs at Quauhchichinollan. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
motlapacho = it was roofed
ytlapacholpan = a community governed by (another)
Yhuan nican motenehua yn Gouernadoresme yhuan yn visurreyesme in ye otlapachoque in ipan in nueua españa = And here are mentioned the governors and viceroys who have governed in New Spain (early seventeenth century, central New Spain)
ynic motlapacho teocuitlayo = al cubrirse con metal precioso (ca. 1582, Mexico City)
onictlapachilhuito ce huapatli nicmacac yhuan mochin quauhtectli ynic tlamito yhuan mochi yn tlaxamanili ynic huel motlapacho = le teché, le di la plancha y morillos y le cubrí la casa (Coyoacan, 1607)
yquac netlapacholloc in teylpiloyan in xitin calli huel quitlamito callacohuaya[n] catca huel ce[n]tlacol yn xitin calnepanolli catca ycpac teuhctlatoloya[n] uncan mochilhuaya' audi[enci]a = entonces se aplastó la gente en la cárcel, se derrumbó el edificio hasta lo que era la entrada, se derrumbó totalmente una parte de la casa de dos pisos, encima estaba el juzgado [teuhctlatoloyan] allí se hacía audiencia (ca. 1582, México)