through, by, by means of, with the help of, for the sake of, thanks to (see Karttunen and Lockhart)
nopal = through me
tepal = w/ someone's help
cuix no ze mopal ninemi / cuix tinechtlaecoltia / cuix mopal notlatlaqua = do you give me what I need? do I eat thanks to you? (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
ma mopaltzinco xitechhualmocnoyttili = may you, by your will, have pity on us (early sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
Ipal nonixpatlaoa. Iquac mitoa: intla aca ipiltzin itelpuch, anozo ichpuch, anozo zan itlaoapaoal, uel quioapauh, uel oquizcalti: auh ye ic yecteneoalo = Because of him my face becomes wide. This is said when someone's child--boy or girl--or else someone's pupil, was well-taught, well-brought-up, and is commended for his good up-bringing.
yn occecapal ytepanco = y por otra parte a la linde de (Santa Bárbara Maxoxotlan, 1592)
por medio de, con la ayuda de
nopal = por mi
tepal = con la ayuda de alguien
ipaltzinco = gracias a él
topal = por medio de nosotros