noseportora = my burial (San Juan Bautista Metepec, sixteenth century)
AGN Criminal 995, exp. 1. Stephanie Wood, paleography.
y nosepoltora ça bar amor de dios nicnochihuillia (Chiucnauhapan, Coyoacan, 1608)
Frances Karttunen and James Lockhart, Nahuatl in the Middle Years: Language Contact Phenomena in Texts of the Colonial Period, Linguistics 85 (Los Angeles, University of California Publications, 1976), Doc. 3.
noSepultura Canpa motlap[o]s tiopan quiahua = my grave to be opened is outside the church (San Pedro Calimaya, Toluca Valley, 1737)
Caterina Pizzigoni, ed., Testaments of Toluca (Stanford: Stanford University Press and UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 2007), 191.
mochihua y nosepoltora (Centlalpan, Chalco, 1736)
Frances Karttunen and James Lockhart, Nahuatl in the Middle Years: Language Contact Phenomena in Texts of the Colonial Period, Linguistics 85 (Los Angeles, University of California Publications, 1976), Doc. 10.