(a loanword from Spanish)
a constable, a sub-cabildo officer
tlacpac omoteneuhque tliltique, auh ynin omoteneuhque españa huicoque oncan tetlan yhcuac huicoc yn Anton de loya tliltic çãno ymalguacil catca yn tliltique libres tn tlacallaquia = these said blacks were taken to Spain. At that time Antón de Loya, a black, was also taken with the rest; he had been the constable of the free blacks who pay tribute. (central Mexico, 1612)
Sanno ypa xihuitl yn oquitzatzaca y mochi yn yey altepetl alcaldes regidores alhuasil mayores pasados y muchin y huehuetque = In this same year they imprisoned all the past alcaldes, regidores and chief constables of the three altepetl, all the elders (entry for 1677)
"yalguazilhuan" attested in a manuscript from 1547
alguacil mayor = chief constable, apparently always had cabildo membership
mīñ diaz español alguazil = Martín Díaz, Spaniard, constable;
atl tepetl yalguazilvan = the city's constables (Tlaxcala, 1547)
min— tepantemoc alguazil .. algazil (Coyoacan, 1554)
luis daniel alguazil .. min— tepantemuc alguazil (Coyoacan, 1554)
juo bautista alguaçil (Xochimilco, 1572)
ponsension quimacatiuh yn alguacil mayor luis caravajal (Coyoacan, 1575)
señor anton gomez Español vezino coyoacan yhuan yispantzinco señor don turibio fiscal vicente Ramirez balsar pz alguaziles yglesia margos feliciano Escriuo yglesia anton sanchez tepisqui apçolco Etc (Coyoacan, 1575)
yispan Señor Don turibio siluestre fiscal yglesia yhuan vicente Ramirez balthasar pz alguaziles yglesia (Coyoacan, 1575)
franco alhuacil mayor (Tehuacan, 1642)
In a land dispute, the alguacil was the one sent to give formal posession to the one who won the suit. (Tlaxcala, 1585)
Nehuatl don valeriano castañeda gouernador ỹ nican Atltepetl tlascallā notencopa ni mitznauatiya ỹ tehuatl feliciano tiçamitl alguazil ypanpa ỹ nimiznomaquiliya topilli ya onpa titlapiyaz yn sant andres avazvatepec [avazvatepec ?] niman. saloztoc teyacac tepeyspan ocuyocan. “I don Valeria- no Castañeda, governor here in the altepetl of Tlaxcala, issue orders to you Feliciano Tizamitl, alguacil. For this reason I give you the staff of office because you will oversee things in San Andrés Ahuazhuatepec, and then in Xaloztoc, Teyacac, Tepeixpan, and Ocoyocan” (Olko, Sullivan, Szemiński eds. 2018: 574). [annals (AHT, AJB, GA, ZM), cultural encyclopedia (FC 3), legal statement (IRI), municipal council records (TA 178), petition (IMA, LJJ, M 2, M 4, M 7, M 8, TAC), will (TC 14, TC 15, TC 16, TC 17, TC 19, TC 21, TC 26, TC 43, TC 49, TC 50, TC 82, TT 48, WCF); time range: 1543–1735]
ynic onmetin arguazilez oyazque yn ompan San Martin Zacatlan = que dos alguaciles vayan allá a San Martín Zacatlan (Tlatelolco, 1572)
nima mochi quicahualtin yn itequiuh yn alhuaçilestin = y luego suspendió el cargo a todos los alguaciles (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
ce alguazil ytoca P[edr]o Tezca ça[n] no Atzaqualco chane auh yniquehi pilli ytoca don Joseph Ycnoxochitl ypiltzin catca don Di[eg]o Tehuetzquiti onxihuitl in topillecat = un alguacil llamo Pedro Tezca, asimismo habitante de Atzaqualco y el tercer principal [pilli] se llamaba don José Ycnoxochitl, era hijo de don Diego Tehuetzquiti que fungió como topile dos años (ca. 1582, México)