refers to someone's possessions, things that pertain to him or her; loosely, property
Lockhart notes "that -axca labels an item as special to a given person or persons rather than others is clear, but that the concept had all the connotations of property in European languages is hard to demonstrate; indeed it is unlikely."
atle y(n)axcatzi(n) atle itlatquitzi = they do not have property (Sahagún, sixteenth century, Mexico City)
ca huel taxcatzin = it is really (or fully) our property
ca huel naxca = it is really my property
huel naxca y notlatqui = it is really my property, my possession
noaxca = my possessions
ymaxca = their possessions
yn tlalticpac naxca, or tlalticpac naxcan = my earthly goods,
my worldly possessions
naxca yn notlatqui = my thing, my possession
maxca yn motlatqui = your thing, your possession
maxcatia = to make it the possession of another; give
naxcatia = I make it the possession of another; give
ayac aquin quimaxcatiz = no one is to make it his property(?)
ymaxca = su propiedad
in tlalli ca taxca = la tierra es nuestra (Ciudad de Mexico, 1577)