together, in common, involving everyone; mutuality, reciprocity (see Karttunen); can also refer to a solo in singing; a mutual thing (see attestations)
Nepanol is attested in a seventeenth-century(?) Guatemalan music manuscript. The authors translate "ce nepanol" as "una sola."
nepanotl moyollalizque = will gather together (1552, central Mexico)
quimocnoytiliz ȳ tto yn dios. yn motolenianime yn cocoxque yhuā motlaqualtizque nepanotl yn qualtin ȳ xpianosme Confradiasme = our Lord God will have pity on the poor and sick, and the good Christians who are members of eh cofradía will mutually feed themselves
nepanotl quimoqualtizque= they will mutually feed themselves
quimocnoytiliz ȳ tto yn dios. yn motolenianime yn cocoxque yhua motlaqualtizque nepanotl yn qualtin ȳ xpianosme Confradiasme = our Lord God will have pity on the poor and sick, and the good Christians who are members of eh cofradía will mutually feed themselves
auh I çivapipilti ynic motlapaloa yn iquac nepanotl ŷpã calaqui = and noblewomen thus greet one another when they enter one’s house together (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yhuan huel mochi quitemohuaya in testamentos quittaya yniqu itech quimatia in tleyn cecenmimicque oquixexelotiaque auh yntla oquimah mopia testamento ỹtlacamo quititiznequi ỹtlacamo yhciuhca connextiaya yxpan ca yc teylpilloyan tetzacuaya no yc tepinauhtiaya. ynic ҫa no nepanol onmoztlacahuiaya Mexica = He searched out absolutely all of the testaments; he inspected them so that he found out from them what each of the deceased distributed on dying. And if he found out that a testament was in people's custody, if they didn't want to show it to him, if they didn't quickly produce it in his presence, he would lock them up in jail and also shame them for it, so that the Mexica would betray each other (central Mexico, 1612)