a religious procession; or, the act of walking in a circle; or, a migration (see Molina and attestations)
quihualtzacuilli tlayahualoliztli ynic amo huel mochihuaz. yhuã descomunion quinhuallalili yn españoles. = he blocked the procession, so that it could not be held, and he excommunicated the Spaniards, (central Mexico, 1612)
Jn tlayavaloliztlj inic muchivaia iquac in tlein ilhuitl motlalitivia iquac mochivaia mochi tlacatl tlaiavaloaya aço yoatzinco anoço ye teotlac ic tlaxinia. = Processions were held in this way: When certain festivals took place this was then done. Everyone went in a procession, either before daybreak or at sundown; then they broke ranks.