one, a single one (see Karttunen); a, an (see Molina)
iSenteConetzin yn tto. xpo = her only child our lord Christ (Santa María de la Asunción, Toluca Valley, 1759)
yz ca yn imil chicuazematla [sic] yz ca yn itetlacualtil çe çotli canavac atle y[...]laquil ça ya yo yn itequivh y nica acticate macuilti y cetetli calli y cate = Here is his field, six matl. Here is his provisions tribute, one quarter-length of a narrow cloak. [He gives] no tribute in kind, that is all his tribute. There are five people included in one house here. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
setele = a variant seen in the Valley of Toluca
sentel numisan mitos = a mass is to be said for me (San Luis, 1699)
Setel Capoti = a cape (Santa Ana, 1728)
Ce tonaltica ocalactehuac cente tlacatl cuacuahue = Cierto día entró (a la casa) un hombre toro (s. XX, Milpa Alta)