book(s) or codex/codices (see Molina and Karttunen); see also the entry amoxtli meaning water plant
yn amuxtli, yn tlacujlolli: in qujpia yn tlilli, yn tlapalli, yn matile, un piale, yn nonotzale, yn oqujto = the picture {writing}, the ink, {and} the colors for painting; the knowledge, the wisdom which hath been uttered. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yn iuh quittac yn amostli = as she saw it in the book (late sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
in ipã amostli yn itoca de scalla celli = in the book called Scala celi (late sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
Inamox, intlacuilol. Zan ic no yehoatl quitoznequi: intlil, intlapal. = Their books, their writings. This means the same as, their black and their red.
Auh xicmocujtlavi in tlilli, in tlapalli, in amuxtli, in tlacujlolli: intloc innaoac ximocalaquj in iolizmatque, in tlamatinj = And take care [to understand] the writings, the books, the paintings. Enter with the prudent, the wise. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)