to take, or to take something away, apprehend, take prisoner (transitive); to take hold of, seize something, someone; to stretch and grow (in body size); to take each other in marriage (when plural and preceded by tito-) (see Molina, Karttunen, and attestations)
tēānalōc or tēānōc = people were taken prisoner, there was a taking of prisoners
anquitzītzquīzqueh; ancānazqueh = Here you will grasp him; here you will seize him (Atenango, between Mexico City and Acapulco, 1629)
niman conanque yn intopil = then they took up their staves [of office]
conana.noconana = I take it (to myself)
At concujzque, at conanazque, at conmopialtizque = Perhaps they will grasp it, take it, hold fast to it (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
niman canato micquetl = fueron a traer la difunta (Tlaxcala, 1562)
nechmaniliquihui teopixque = ha de venir el Padre por mí (Amecameca, 1625)
yhuan canato diablo = Asimismo, fueron a prender al diablo.
(Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
nechanaquihui = han de venir por mí (San Bartolomé, 1585)
ypa[n]pa yn analoc in fiscal = por esta razón fue preso el fiscal (ca. 1582, México)
xicanacan = tómenlo (Cuauhtinchan, Puebla, s. XVI)