something smooth and fragrant, something pleasant, pleasing
ahuiac (adjective) = agreeable, pleasant, sweet
ipampa in itlaneltoquilitzin Dios, ihuan in itlayecoltilocatzin zenquizcatzopelic zenquizcahuiac = Wherefore God's faith and service to Him is perfectly sweet and fragrant
teuahuiyayaliztli = sacred fragrance (late sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
O cenquizcaahuiacatzopellicaychpochtzintle ma = Oh perfectly fragrant and sweet maiden (mid sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
ipampa in itlaneltoquilitzin Dios, ihuan in itlayecoltilocatzin zenquizcatzopelic zenquizcahuiac = pues que siendo tan dulce, tan suaue, y sabrosa la ley de Dios