the road or path that leads to some house; street (see Molina)
yn ipã colotli huel otlaSencah otlapipiloloc = along the street great preparations were made; festoons were hung
yhuã ypan calotli tepozpitzcan = and on the street where the blacksmiths are
huel otlapipiloloc yn ipa calotli huel mamahuistic altars oquintlatlaique = everything was greatly festooned, and they set up very magnificent altars here and there on the streets
oxcentel ce çolar ycan nahui caloxtle = otro solar entero con cuatro calles(Tecamachalco, Puebla, "1548", transl. 1717)
quipia chiquei tzolal yn ytes ac[o]nanahui caloxtle = tiene ocho solares que están entre cuatro calles (Tecamachalco, Puebla, "1548", transl. 1717)
ycan caloctle haltemohuan carniceria real= con la calle de la carnicería real (Tecamachalco, Puebla, "1548", transl. 1717)