a mouthful of food; or, a word (see Molina)
Oc izca cencamatl, in ma iuh haoatl, in ma iuhquj vitztli, in ma iuhquj itztic ehecatl = Behold, here is yet a word like a thorn, like a spine, like a biting wind (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
aqujn mjtzmotlatlauhtiliz, aqujn cententli, cencamatl conqujxtiz in melaoac coneoaz, in vel ijtoloian, in vel itlaliloian contlaliz conjtoz = Who [else] would draw forth a word or two - would lift a clear voice, would set forth, would say the well-spoken, well-ordered [words] which thou dost accept, which thou dost heed? (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
auh injn imônjca, inteputzco pillotl, coneiutl ticchioa: popolonj, tzatzacuj, njcan cententli, cencamatl toconqujxtia aijtoloian, aitlaliloian toconeoa, tocontlalia = But in their absence we perform in childish, in baby-like fashion. Stuttering, stammering are the word or two which we here deliver; ill-spoken, disordered is what we intone, what we set forth (central Mexico, sixteenth century)