(a loanword from Spanish)
testament, will
(a loanword from Spanish)
quimotlalili testamento ca yn imiltzin yn içacamoltzin ytztli yhuetzyan yhuā in auaquauhyacac yn tepemapā yvan in teocontitlan ca moch tecpā quimopouilitia tecpā quimocaulitia, auh yn çan iyo ȳ çan ye iyo ytettzinco quimitalhuitia ytettzinco quimopouilitia in xipetzco ymiltzin yçacamoltzin ȳ axcā quimochiuilia niccauhtzitzinhuan = he made and set down his will. He assigned all his cultivated property, his worked fields in Itztli Ihuetzyan and in Ahuaquauhyacac, in Tepemapan, and in Tecontitlan to the palace; he left them to the palace. And only his cultivated property, his worked fields in Xipetzco, did he dedicate and assign to my younger brothers, who are now working them. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
tlacatl notlatzin Don herdo cortes yxtlilxochitzin ynic quimochiuh ynic quimotlalili testamento yn ixpantzinco teopixqui padre fray antonio de ciudad Rodrigo. yn iz quimotlalilitia yn iz quimoquechilitia amattzin yn notecuiyo Don Juº quauhtliztactzin = the lord my uncle don Hernando Cortés Ixtlilxochitzin died and we had taken our leave of him, he made and set down a will in the presence of the priest, the Father fray Antonio de Cuidad Rodrigo, wherein he established and set up [as one of his heirs] your elder brother my lord don Juan Quauhtliztactzin. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
nicchihuan notestamentento = I make my testament today (Santa María de la Asunción, Toluca Valley, 1760)
nicChihua nomemoria testamento = [I] make my memorandum of testament. (Santa María de la Asunción, Toluca Valley, 1759)
noteztanmento = my testament (Santa Bárbara Mixcoac, City of Toluca, 1671)
ynin amal y nomemoria destamento = this document, my mermorandum of testatment (San Pablo Tepemaxalco, Toluca Valley, 1681)
nodestameto = my testament
(San Pablo Tepemaxalco, Toluca Valley, 1693)
yn notestamo (Tlaxcala, 1566)
ytech moquixti yn original ytestamento don julian de la rosa (Tlaxcala, 1566)
ytestamto, notestamto (Xochimilco, 1572)
nictlalia notestamento (Coyoacan, 1588)
notestameton (Chiucnauhpan, Coyoacan, 1608)
nictlallia notestamento (San Bartolomé Atenco, Coyoacan, 1617)
ynin memoria testamento .. ynin notestamto (Coyoacan, 1622)
testamtos aço memoria cobdicilio = testaments, memoranda, or codicils (Coyoacan, 1622)
nictlalia notestamento (S. Simón Pochtlan, Azcapotzalco, 1695)
nictecpanan y notestanmento (Centlalpan, Chalco, 1736)
yn ipan yn itestametotzin y nopiltzin (Centlalpan, Chalco, 1736)
y notestamento ... yn itestametotzin ... yn itestanmetotzin ... yn itestanmento (Centlalpan, Chalco, 1736)
in itestamento yn tahcoltzin Dn Esban Diego (Azcapotzalco, 1738)
ipan in huehue testamento (Azcapotzalco, 1738)
nicpehualtia notestamento (Metepec, 1795)
yhuan huel mochi quitemohuaya in testamentos quittaya yniqu itech quimatia in tleyn cecenmimicque oquixexelotiaque auh yntla oquimah mopia testamento ỹtlacamo quititiznequi ỹtlacamo yhciuhca connextiaya yxpan ca yc teylpilloyan tetzacuaya no yc tepinauhtiaya. ynic ҫa no nepanol onmoztlacahuiaya Mexica = He searched out absolutely all of the testaments; he inspected them so that he found out from them what each of the deceased distributed on dying. And if he found out that a testament was in people's custody, if they didn't want to show it to him, if they didn't quickly produce it in his presence, he would lock them up in jail and also shame them for it, so that the Mexica would betray each other (central Mexico, 1612)
ynin noama memoria yhuan testamento = esta mi memoria y testamento (San Juan Atlangatepec, 1551)
homochiuh yn destamend = se hizo el testamento (Santa Ana Acoltzinco, 1673)
ye onicchiuh ynomemoria nodestamento = ya hice mi testamento (Santa Ana Acoltzinco, 1673)
nicchichua destameto = hago mi testamento
tres ejemplos de la ortografía variante: testamieton, desdamiedo, destamiento (San Juan Teotihuacan, 1563)
jueces in ipan testamento quimocuitlahuia = juezes sobre los testamentos, a cuyos cargo está (Ciudad de Mexico, 1578)
Nauhcotzin nococol quichivazquiya testamedo amo nelli yuh quimati yn nonantzin yniqua[c] [omi]cqui nococol ayamo zenca miximati yn testamento ya vecauh = Nauhcotzin, mi abuelo, que debia hacer testamento, eso no es cierto, asi lo sabe mi madre cuando m[urio], mi abuelo aun no se conocia muy bien el testamento (Tlaxcala, 1568)
nomemoRya teztamento = mi memoria y testamento. (San Diego, 1707)