(a loanword from Spanish)
a donkey (see attestations)
ca amo tecpan amo tlahtocacalli motlacatili ca çan xacalçolco. yncochiyan intlaquayan in quaquahueque yn caualloti yhuan yn Asnoti in oncan motenehua Establo. = In no palace, in no ruler's house, was He born, but only in a straw hut, the sleeping place, the eating place of cattle, of horses, and of donkey's, there in what is called a stable.
(central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
asta axnotzitzin quintecuiliyaya (Puebla, circa 1680–1700)
intlaquayan in quaquahueque yn caualloti yhuan yn Asnoti in oncan motenehua Establo. =“The eating place of cattle, of horses, and of donkeys, there in what is called a stable” (Anderson & Schroeder eds. 1997, II: 138). [annals (AP, ZM), religious treatise (EQ), vocabulary (VM 1, VT); time range: ca. 1540 (?)–1683]
yhuan aocac ypan caballo onenemia ypanpa muchi quintecuiliyaya ma yaxca quixtiano ma aquī yaxca asta axnotzitzin quintecuiliyaya. “And no one went about on horseback any longer, because all [the horses] were taken away from people, whether they belonged to a Spaniard or to anyone else. They even took the poor little donkeys from them” (Townsend ed. 2010: 126). [annals (AP, ZM), religious treatise (EQ), vocabulary (VM 1, VT); time range: ca. 1540 (?)–1683]
ypan axnotzin mehuiltitiuh ymactzinco yetia yahui çano ymactzinco = [Maria] iba montada sobre su asno y en sus manos llevaba una llave (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)